Grant contests already held
1. Competition «Contemporary Art in the Traditional Museum»
Competition grant fund $70,000
The «Contemporary Art in the Traditional Museum» festival took place in June 2000 as a result of the first open grant competition. During the festival 14 projects by artists from Petersburg and Moscow were displayed in 10 museums in Saint-Petersburg. It was decided by the PRO ARTE Institute to carry out a second grant competition and festival. The competition took place from October to December 2000. More than 60 projects were put forward, the best of which will take part in the festival in July 2001. Due to the success of this program in supporting small local museums and providing the opportunity to display in them current contemporary art projects, a third grant competition «Contemporary Art in the Traditional Museum» will be announced in Autumn 2001.
The competition is aimed at supporting projects prepared by artists from Moscow, Petersburg and other regions of Russia in conjunction with museums of Saint-Petersburg. The competition is carried out with the intention of attracting visitors' attention to little-known museum collections in Saint-Petersburg and dedicated to bringing together manifestations of traditional culture and contemporary art, modernizing the activities of museums and raising their status.
The maximum grant sum requested from the PRO ARTE Institute must not exceed $10,000.
2. «Small Grant Competition supporting projects in the Sphere of Contemporary Music»
Competition Grant Fund: $42,000
The competition is dedicated to enabling the popularization of phenomena of musical culture of the 20th Century and the development of existing phenomena of contemporary music. The competition supports projects linked to the realization of open public events (festivals, concerts, lectures etc.) The maximum grant sum requested from the PRO ARTE Institute must not exceed $10,000.