Special courses curator: Aleksei Shulgin, media artist, researcher into media art, Moscow, easylife.org
In order to be allowed to work in PRO ARTE's multi-media laboratory, candidates must pass an interview. The programme of practical sessions includes:
- a course of seminars on the basics of using software packages;
- master-classes by Russian and foreign media artists;
- participation in conferences and seminars in media art;
- work on individual projects under the supervision of technicians at the multimedia laboratory.
The calendar of the forthcoming PRO ARTE events is under construction
The PRO ARTE Institute
197046, St. Petersburg, Peter and Paul Fortress, No.3.
Tel: +7 (812) 2330553, +7 (812) 2330040
Fax: +7 (812) 2330040
E-mail: office@proarte.spb.ru